India is an agricultural country. Most people depend on agriculture. The farmer of India was a hardworking person. For a good crop, the farmer needs a lot of physical labour along with monitoring day and night. They work diligently before sunrise and till dawn. Due to the lack of tractors and machines, most farmers have to depend on manual labour. Even after this, the economic condition of the farmers is bad. Village Life-Rural Lifestyle in India

Village Life-Rural Lifestyle in India

The rising cost of living, frequent crop failures due to climate change and other reasons, lack of proper support from the government, and many more are contributing to their distress.

city life

City life is not as interesting and peaceful as rural life. Life in cities is moving at a rapid pace. People living in cities do not have time for their neighbours and also lack emotions. City air is not as pure as village air. Crime activities are also high in the cities.

Although since independence our government has made several efforts to provide basic amenities to the villages, one of the major disadvantages of living in an Indian village is the lack of basic amenities! Most of the villages in the country still lack kutcha houses and basic facilities. Due to scattered settlements and a lack of resources in the villages, the pace of development is slow.

Village Life-Rural Lifestyle in India

Due to low income in agriculture and other reasons, gradually people started moving towards cities for employment. If the government tries to pay more attention to this, then change is possible.

Indian village house

But it is the grit and spirit of the hardworking villagers that are truly inspiring. Despite all these difficulties, he follows the path of honesty and leads a simple and virtuous life. They have the utmost respect for the environment and the traditions of our country. Indian villages have a rich history of culture and tradition. Arts are celebrated in the form of dance, song, drama, etc. Some of our most famous dance forms and songs come to us from these traditions practised in various villages of India.

Difficulties of rural life and advantages of rural life

Village roads are not good, limited means of transport, electricity is out of time, never comes and does not come for many hours, problems of employment, lack of entertainment, etc. are common problems.

Due to recreation and mobile work in the village, they get time to talk to their people, exchange problems, understand each other, and cooperate in city life. Rural life is considered to be calm and sacred as people in villages are close to nature. However, it also has its challenges. They have traditional experience in dealing with natural calamities. They know each other well and do not cheat. The elders of the village fear, respect! People living in rural areas lead a peaceful life.


Everyone lives together in the village. Live in love with each other. Everyone fights together in difficult times, crimes are less here and ancient traditions are followed. People respect their elders. They help each other in happiness and sorrow. I love living in the village. I love village life, because in my opinion, as many inventions have been made for the benefit of mankind, the same number of diseases are also happening.

Live together

Even today people in the villages of the country are suffering from old orthodoxy and superstition. Still clinging to the old tradition and ongoing social bondage! Still haven’t joined the stream of development! Racism, linguistic inequality, and such sentiments are still strong today.

Even now the people of the village are facing many problems, whose solution is possible to some extent with a little collective effort. Scientists have achieved immense success in the field of science and technology, as a result of which works like solar energy, etc. can be done, Indian villages are also no longer untouched in this race of development. Our government is also making continuous efforts for rural development.

Village Life-Rural Lifestyle in India

The process of connecting villages with cities by road and rail is going on continuously. For the development of villages, several projects have been introduced by the government from time to time. Among these, the Panchayati Raj system is also important, due to which there has been a lot of improvement in the rural condition. The collective effort of the government, villagers, and all Indian citizens will pay off and our Indian villages can become model villages.

Beauty of nature

The soul of our country resides in the villages only. Most of the population of our country still lives in villages. The villages of India are smaller than the cities of India, but the real fun of life comes there. Because the beauty of nature that we get to see in the village is nowhere else. Living a life of limited means away from the polluted environment of the cities, because by living in the city we make the body so comfortable that it becomes difficult to live in a village-like environment. Here people have to do most of their work by themselves.

At present, the economic structure of the village has completely changed, now when people from the village come to the city, they say that brother, the village is no longer that village. That is, now the village has the facility of electricity, medical and metalled roads. The government has a special hand in changing the structure of the village, which is continuously developing the country by bringing new schemes.


Unemployment is the biggest problem in the villages, due to which the youth migrate to the cities in search of work. There is a need to set up small-scale and small-scale industries at the local level to prevent youth migration and to improve the condition of the villages. Along with this, emphasis should be given to the use of new technology obtained from natural sources in the village.

In the next article, I will try to give detailed information about the village.

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By Nitesh