Grand function in India on 22 January 2024Grand function in India on 22 January 2024

Grand function in India on 22 January 2024

Let us show you through pictures-

 Idol of Lord Shri Ram

Grand function in India on 22 January 2024
Grand function in India on 22 January 2024

On Monday, 22 January 2024

On Monday, 22 January 2024, the statue of Lord Shri Ram was established and consecrated in Ayodhya city, Uttar Pradesh. In the very auspicious time of 84 seconds between noon 29 minutes and 8 seconds and 12:30 and 32 seconds, the idol of the child from Shri Ram Lala seated on the golden throne was consecrated with chanting of mantras. Grand function in India on 22 January 2024

Grand function in India on 22 January 2024
Grand function in India on 22 January 2024

Amidst the mantras and recitation between Sunil Dixit and Acharya, the ceremony was completed with rituals by Yajman Mishra and the master of the monastery, Vishwa Prasanna Tirtha, by placing a 2 feet long gold stick on the Lord’s heart.


Grand function in India on 22 January 2024
Grand function in India on 22 January 2024

Your Heart Matters After 60s

The sculptor who created the memory of Lord Shri Ram is Shri Arun Yogiraj. On Monday, in the premises of Ram Birth Place temple, such a splendor appeared in the sanctum sanctorum of the huge temple with five peaks, three pillars, and 161 feet height that it seemed as if God himself resided in the charming form of Ram Lala. It’s done! Amazing sight to see!

Grand function in India on 22 January 2024
Grand function in India on 22 January 2024

The program was celebrated like a Diwali festival! Such an atmosphere was created in the entire country as if it was the festival of Diwali. People distributed sweets and set off fireworks. It was seen all over India and abroad too. Crores of people gathered Indian celebrities, politicians, sportspersons, and many other personalities to participate in the program. Be present during! 

By Nitesh