Treatment for Sprain Pain and Swelling
It has often been seen while walking, running, or walking on the stairs. we suddenly get sprained, which is not known at that time, but slowly, along with the pain, the swelling also occurs at that place. There is a lot of pain due to a sprain. If there is not a big injury and it is treated on time, then it can be cured quickly, otherwise, it can cause pain and other diseases related to bones. People often go to the doctor for small problems like sprains, but these problems can also be cured with home remedies. Let us tell you about some home remedies of Ayurveda. Best Ayurveda Treatment for Sprain Pain and Swelling.
If the pain is unbearable and you are unable to walk even a single step, then we advise you to see a doctor immediately. If you can walk and are in a restrained condition, then you can do these measures.
Treatment of Ayurveda –
Wheat bread-
Make a thick roti in the same way as the wheat roti which is made in our kitchen, roast it half from one side, and apply turmeric, rock salt, and mustard oil to the other raw part. Now apply hot roti on the place where there is swelling or sprain and tie it. Keep the Roti (Chapati) as hot as you can bear. You can use it for internal injury and swelling. Do not use it on the wound area! This is very beneficial. No matter how much pain and swelling you have, it will be fine.

Ice training-
Applying ice on the sprained area is also beneficial. Applying ice every 1 or 2 hours for 15 minutes reduces swelling and pain. Put ice in a cloth, make a bundle, and compress it.
Turmeric Powder and Garlic-
You can use it even when you have a scratch or a slight wound. Heat mustard oil as per requirement, add turmeric powder and some garlic cloves to it, and keep it on low flame. Applying its paste on the sprained area and massaging it provides relief from pain and swelling.
Honey and lime-
Mixing honey and lime in equal quantities and applying it on the sprained area also provides relief and reduces swelling. The best treatment for sprain and swelling by Ayurveda. More Home Remedies with Ayurveda