Instant face scrubInstant face scrub

Skin-care-Coffee treatment 100% effective for dark marks and fairness of face

Face Cream – Home Made – For Dark Mark Removal and Fair Grow -Instant face scrub

 Home-made face wash and scrub

This is my homemade practical method which works 100%. Those who have dark marks on their face or there is darkness on the face. This is a cheap and effective treatment for all those who make their skin look black due to sweating. Generally, women and girls use expensive chemical products for their faces! This is a better option than theirs.

Instant face scrub with coffee-make immediately

Coffee is used in most homes. Drinking coffee in rainy and cold weather has its own different fun. The wonderful aroma and freshness of coffee are enough to both wake you up and make you beautiful. Do you know that you can make a great face pack with coffee powder? By applying this face pack, not only will the skin glow, but your complexion will also improve. Coffee improves the blood circulation of your skin. Coffee removes dead skin from the skin. You can easily make a face pack with coffee at home.

According to the National Library of Medicine, coffee is also extremely beneficial for our skin health. Coffee helps in reducing skin inflammation along with relaxing our skin. Apart from this, vitamin B-3 found in coffee helps to avoid skin cancer. Coffee is very beneficial for treating dark circles and blemishes.

You will find the ingredients to make it at home!

Instant face scrub with coffee-make immediately

Ingredients – Coffee, Lemon, Flour, Curd, honey 

Method of preparation- Add two small spoons of coffee, one spoon of flour, half a spoon of lemon, one spoon of curd, and water of all these and mix them well. Be careful not to make the paste too thin! Leave this paste on for 5 to 10 minutes. After that wash off with clean water! Your skin will start to grow and glow!

For Scrub –

Make a paste of one spoon of coffee, one spoon of honey, and half a spoon of lemon stick and massage it on the face.

Some tips for applying coffee face pack

1-         1-   If you are applying a coffee face pack, then before that you wash the face with clean water and dry it with a towel.

2- If you have done any kind of waterproof makeup, then clean it on the face.

3- Do not leave the house after applying this pack. Avoid dust, soil, and sunlight.

4- If you have any kind of skin allergy, then consult a doctor before using the coffee face pack.

5- If your skin is very sensitive, do not rub this pack too much.

By Nitesh