Story of Karva Chauth fasting in Indian festival

Story of Karva Chauth Vrat and information related to it-

Some important events have happened in history, and today festivals are celebrated in their honour. We celebrate Christmas because something important happened on that day. People celebrate Eid because something good happened on that day in the past. This is how we celebrate.

festival karva choth
festival karva choth

When you keep fast, then your whole body becomes pure. When the toxic substances are removed from the body, then the mind becomes sharp. In such a state, whatever you desire or whatever goal you want to achieve gets fulfilled. There is such faith, there is also a rule and it has a scientific basis. But along with fasting, you also have to increase the willpower of the mind. On the whole day of Karva Chauth, there is only one wish in your mind your husband or wife should be well-being. In the olden days, people used to fast with only one wish. This is nothing but the power of our mind. But if your mind is elsewhere and you are not just eating, then it will not be of much use. Yes, the body will get rest. Our liver works continuously. By fasting, he gets some relief.

Karva Chauth

There is a story behind every festival and it has some astrological significance. Karva Chauth is the fourth day of Purnima in which women fast for the whole day for the welfare of their husbands and then celebrate and eat good food after that. This is a practice and there are some stories behind it.

Karva Chauth, a festival that brings sweetness to married life and makes relations stronger, is on the 13th of October this time. The married woman will observe a fast for the long life of the husband and break the fast by seeing the moon in the evening and seeing the husband’s face through a sieve. On the other hand, unmarried girls will observe a Nirjala fast on this day and look at the stars to get a suitable husband and then break the fast.

Different stories have been told by different people regarding Karva Choth, one of them is this story!

Story of Karwa Chauth Vrat (Karwa Mata ki Vrat Katha):

According to the legend, a Brahmin lived in Indraprasthapur. Along with him lived a son and a daughter named Veeravati. The Brahmin had only one daughter. That’s why she was very dear to the Brahmin. On growing up, the Brahmin married his daughter to a Brahmin youth. After marriage, the Brahmin’s daughter came to her maternal home for the first time on Karva Chauth. For the long life of her husband, she kept Karva Mata’s fast in her father’s house. But Veeravati could not observe this fast properly due to being Nirjala Vrat. She fainted and fell. When he fainted, the brothers broke his fast. He lit a lamp put it in a sieve under the tree and told the sister that the moon had come out. The sister agreed to the brother’s request and after seeing the moon, after reciting the worship, he came down and ate food. The Brahmin’s daughter had just started eating when someone sneezed and after a while, she came to know from her in-laws’ house.

Hearing about the information coming from the in-laws’ house, the Brahmin’s daughter reached there running. After going there she saw that her husband was dead, and her family members were weeping in front of the dead body of her husband. Seeing such a condition of the Brahmin’s daughter, Goddess Indrani, the wife of Indra, went there to console her. Then he told him his mistake and asked him to observe the fast of Chauth coming the whole year with Karva Chauth. Listening to Indrani Mata, the daughter of a Brahmin, took a vow to observe the whole fast in the same way. In this way, Karva Mata was pleased and gave life to her husband again.

Worship material used in Karva Puja –

1-Agarbatti 2-Honey 3-Sandalwood 4-Milk 5-Flowers 6-Sugar 7-Pure Ghee 8-Curd 9-Sweet 10-Kanku 11-Rice 12-Gangajal 13-Henna 14-Vindoor 15- Mahavar 16-Bangle 17 – Bindi 18 – Chunri 19 – Deepak 20 – Karva and lid 21 – Nettle 22 – Camphor 23 – Wheat 24 – Cotton 25 – Sugar bad 26 – Water pot 27 – Soil 28 – Turmeric 29 – Sieve 30 – Athwani 31 – Flour Halua 32- Dakshina 33- Comb 34- Red cloth etc.

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By Nitesh