Healthy Eye-Ear and Mouth-Home RemediesHealthy Eye-Ear and Mouth-Home Remedies

Healthy Eye, Ear, and Mouth-Home Remedies 


Dry Eye. Dry eye is one of the most common eye problems. …

Diabetic Retinopathy. Retinopathy is the most common eye problem in people with diabetes. Healthy Eye-Ear and Mouth-Home Remedies

Cataracts. As we age, the lenses in our eyes can become cloudy. …

Glaucoma. …

Macular Degeneration.


Healthy Eye, Ear, and Mouth-Home Remedies

What is advantageous for the eyes and what are the home cures-

Home remedies- Healthy Eye-Ear and Mouth-Home Remedies

TEA-Use wet material or a tea sack

If you have enlarged eyes, take two chilly, wet tea sacks put them on both your eyes and rest for 15-20 minutes as the tea chills off and revives. Green tea is better, however dark and natural teas likewise function admirably. Healthy Eye-Ear and Mouth-Home Remedies


Eat a banana. Bananas are rich in potassium, which manages the equilibrium between sodium and the arrival of liquid in your cells.

To control your pulse, remember the banana for your morning meal in the first part of the day to get nutritious wealth in potassium. Keeping circulatory strain solid is significant for the eyes too. It is helpful for the eyes!


Garlic is one of the most famous ear infection home cures. It has calming properties that not only decrease irritation in and around the ear trench but also assuage blockage, subsequently diminishing ear infections. To dispose of ear infections normally, you can either eat two or three crude garlic cloves or you can crush them and use them. 

For this, heat three cloves of garlic and crush them with a touch of salt. Enclose this combination with material and apply it to the excruciating ear. Alongside garlic, mullein makes a solution for an ear infection that you can keep in the refrigerator. In an unfilled container, consolidate squashed cloves of garlic with 2 Tbsp, a teaspoon of dried or new mullein blossoms (squashed if new), and 1/2 cup (120 ml) of olive oil. Screw the top on firmly and shake to blend. Store in a cool, dim spot, shaking the container day to day. Following fourteen days, strain to move the oil through the ear channel, Do not utilize eardrops. Healthy Eye-Ear and Mouth-Home Remedies


The leaves of sacred basil (Tulsi) are viewed as a powerful solution for ear infections in Ayurvedic medication. The juice of the leaves is wealthy in mitigating, cell reinforcement, and antimicrobial properties, which help in alleviating ear infections as well as work on the side effects of ear disease. Grind some basil leaves with the assistance of a stone or pestle. Strain the juice before utilizing it. To get help from torment, put one to two drops in the ear.


Clove can likewise be utilized in the treatment of ear infections. It has torment-easing and calming properties that assist with mitigating ear infections and treating ear diseases. Clove oil is broadly utilized as a powerful home solution for ear torment. To plan clove oil, sear a clove in a spoonful of sesame oil. Reduce it and let it cool down. Strain the oil and add one to two drops of hot oil, put one to two drops in the impacted ear. do this three to multiple times.

Olive Oil

Heat a spoonful of olive oil and let it cool. Put one to two drops of the oil in the impacted ear. Try not to overheat the oil as utilizing hot oil can cause harm. Albeit the utilization of olive oil is done a great deal to diminish ear torment. However, use it with the counsel of a specialist, experienced.

Tea tree oil-

Tea tree oil is an oil that is generally utilized as a characteristic solution for ease of torment. The oil has strong antifungal, antibacterial, disinfectant, and anticancer properties which make it valuable for ear infections. The oil is utilized to lessen agony and distress in the ear. The oil is accessible on the web and disconnected in stores. Before use, blend well with sesame or coconut oil and put one to two drops in the ear, it closes the ear infection.


Ginger properties make it a powerful and straightforward home solution for ear infections. It decreases aggravation in the ear as well as assists you with battling ear contaminations and alleviation distress and agony in and around the ear. Healthy Eye-Ear and Mouth-Home Remedies

You can involve ginger as ginger squeeze or ginger oil to get help from ear torment. Take a piece of crude, new ginger mesh it and concentrate the juice. Strain it and use it on the skin close to the excruciating ear. To involve it as ginger oil, put ginger in a spoonful of oil and intensity it. Utilize the oil around the ear trench to get alleviation from ear torment.

Cold/hot pack

Hot and cold packs are an old and powerful solution for alleviating torment, including ear infections. What’s more, it is viewed as a protected choice for the two kids and grown-ups experiencing ear torment. A hot or cold pack assists with further developing blood dissemination and lessens torment. To get help with ear infections, you can put a comfortable fabric or warm pack on the impacted ear for around 10 minutes. A large portion of individuals are inclined toward hot packs as they make a relieving difference. However, remember that before utilizing, check the pack, so that it isn’t excessively hot.

Carrots, celery, kale, and parsley can be generally gainful to your eyes. To make a visual perception drink, either vegetable squeeze or soup can likewise be made. Ideal extents are 2 sections carrot, 2 sections kale, 1 section celery, and 1 section parsley. For best outcomes, drink 2 cups (500 ml) of juice or soup a day. Spinach, tomato, and melon can likewise be remembered for this.

Mouth-tips-What is useful for the Mouth and what are the home cures

Mouth ulcers are a typical issue that happens to practically all individuals all at once or another. These rankles happen within the cheeks, on the tongue, and on the inward side of the lips. They show up as white or red sores. 

This isn’t a major issue, yet it is extremely excruciating, because of ulcers, there is a consuming sensation in the mouth and it is hard to eat anything and at times blood likewise emerges from the mouth. On the off chance that not being treated on time, in some cases turns into the reason for the disease. We will let you know a few safety measures and a few home solutions for this. Healthy Eye-Ear and Mouth-Home Remedies

Healthy Eye, Ear, and Mouth-Home Remedies

Mix the powder of liquorice with honey apply this glue on the mouth ulcers and let the spit dribble out of the mouth. Honey is hostile to bacterial properties, which is extremely viable in restoring mouth ulcers. It gives dampness to the mouth ulcer and keeps it from drying out. If you apply a spot of turmeric with honey, it will mend rapidly. Does this cure three to four times each day for best outcomes? 

You can likewise utilize honey to fix mouth ulcers. For this, blend honey and cardamom powder. For this, make a blend by blending honey and cardamom powder. Apply this blend straightforwardly on the rankles for 2-3 days.

Coconut oil – 

Coconut oil has calming, hostile contagious, and viral properties. It likewise assists in decreasing tormenting. On the off chance that you are getting more agony than mouth ulcers, you can apply coconut oil to them.

Aloe vera – 

Aloe vera juice has a mitigating property, it lessens torment when utilized ceaselessly. To get alleviation from ulcers, apply some aloe vera juice to your ulcers. Use it two times every day to come by great outcomes. Assuming that you need it, you can likewise utilize aloe vera gel.


Anti-bacterial properties are found inside basil leaves which clean the ulcers. To get alleviation from ulcers, bite basil leaves and wash your mouth with warm water. Do this two times per day.


Saltwater has been utilized to mend ulcers for a really long time. Salt mends the ulcer and kills the microbes. Swish with some salt in tepid water. You can likewise involve it as a mouthwash.

Catechu/liquorice powder

Rankles in the mouth additionally happen because of an upset stomach. Mulethi is an Ayurvedic substance that eliminates poisons from the body from the stomach. Substances named glycyrrhizin and carbenoxolone fix indigestion, sharpness, and steamed stomach. Catta is exceptionally useful for mouth ulcers. Blend catechu, liquorice powder, and honey and apply them to mouth ulcers. Aside from this, blend catechu in delicate leaves of guava and bite it like paan.

Skin Care in Winter

Baking soft drink Mix a spoonful of baking soft drink in a little water and make glue applying this glue on the rankles will be exceptionally useful. By blending it in your glue and cleaning it sparkles in the teeth. For white teeth like pearls, blend a touch of salt in a portion of a teaspoon of baking pop and back rub the teeth with a clean. Then, at that point, clean the teeth with toothpaste. By doing this, the brilliance of the teeth increases.

Mouthwash – 

To make the mouthwash, pour 1 cup (250 ml) of water into a pot and add 1 Tbsp cardamom seeds and 1 Tbsp entire cloves. If you need, add a few mint leaves and cardamom, sugar to upgrade the taste. After a decent bubble, eliminate the intensity and let represent 3-4 hours. Strain the arrangement into a jug and rinse depending on the situation.

What is torment in EAR and what are the home cures

Ear torment can be brought about by contamination or cold, yet at times ear infections can be caused because of a few different reasons too. The Eustachian tube runs from the centre of the ear to the rear of the throat. The Eustachian tube produces liquid in the ear, when the liquid develops because of the blockage of the cylinder, pressure begins in the eardrum. This causes torment in the ear. Assuming left untreated, the liquid can become tainted and cause ear contamination.

Healthy Eye, Ear, and Mouth-Home Remedies

Taking out the juice of garlic bud, ginger, drumstick seeds, radish, and banana leaf independently or together and placing it in a hot ear closes the ear infection.

Heat 2-3 finely cleaved garlic cloves with mustard oil. Cool this oil and channel it. Placing 2-3 drops of this oil in the ear gives moment alleviation.

You can do home solutions for ear torment with onions. Heat a spoonful of onion and squeeze marginally tepid. Placing 2-3 drops in the ear gives alleviation. Rehash this 2-3 times each day.

You can treat ear torment with ginger. Separate the juice of ginger and place 2-3 drops in the ear.

Grind ginger and blend it in olive oil, presently channel it and put 2-3 drops of this oil in the ear.

Tulsi can be utilized as a medication for ear infections. Putting a new squeeze of basil leaves in the ear closes the ear infection within 1-2 days.


Recollect that home solutions for ear, Eye, and mouth infections rely upon the reason for the condition. Thus, on the off chance that home cures are not aiding in decreasing the side effects, counsel a specialist. Likewise, check if you are oversensitive to any home cures before use to be protected.

(All the information written in the article is based on experts and experience, please take advice from doctors and experts before use.)

By Nitesh