Back pain relife – Home remedies, ayurvedic treatment
What are the remedies for back pain?
Although there are many remedies in Ayurveda, we are telling you effective home remedies which are absolutely accurate in my opinion.
Ingredients – Aloe Vera, Turmeric, Mustard Oil, Aloe vera leaves.
Method –
Take out the soft part ie the gel from the fresh leaves of aloe vera. Put 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder in about 4 teaspoons of gel. Now add mustard oil to it till it becomes a thick paste as per requirement. Mix all these well. When all this mixture becomes united, leave it for some time. Apply mustard oil on both the leaves of the figure and heat it on the (pot)Tawa, before applying the paste made on it where you are in pain. After applying the lightly hot Aloe vera leaves of the figure to the paste, tie it well with a cotton cloth. Keep it for about 2-3 hours or you can sleep by binding it at night. Its tremendous effect will be seen, and you will get relief from pain. see more home remedies
• Make an herbal tea by mixing half a teaspoon of black pepper, one and a half teaspoon of clove powder, and one teaspoon of ginger powder. Get relief from pain as well as taste. Actually ginger contains anti-inflammatory compounds, which give us relief from pain. This remedy also cures back pain in women.
• Ginger is considered an effective medicine for back and back pain. You can use it daily. Boil some pieces of ginger in water for 20 minutes on low flame and after cooling add some honey to it and drink it, it provides relief from pain.
Using Tulsi leaves also gives relief from pain. The Tulsi plant is beneficial. Boiling it and drinking it is beneficial.
Poppy seeds – Soak and grind it finely and drink it with milk, it provides relief from back and back pain.
To treat back pain, bake a roti from one side only. Leave the other side raw. Now apply sesame oil on the raw part of the roti while sleeping at night. Tie this roti on the painful part of your waist and go to sleep. Waking up in the morning you will see that the back pain has disappeared. You can do this action daily also.
Making a paste of rock salt with water and applying it to the waist also provides relief from pain.
You have to prepare a paste with mustard oil and garlic. For this, put half a bowl of mustard oil and about 40 grams of garlic cloves peeled. Then add one to two teaspoons of carom seeds to it. Now heat this mixture on a griddle on low flame. Oil can burn quickly on high flame, so keep the flame low and heat it till the garlic and carom seeds turn black. After cooling down, massage this paste on the area of back pain. This gives great relief to back pain.
If the cause of back pain is a specific or chronic disease, then home remedies will not be of any use. In this situation, you should consult a disease specialist and seek proper treatment on time.
After examination, the doctor confirms the exact cause of the pain. After that, the causes of back pain start the treatment process based on the objective condition.
You can see- Ayurveda Home Remedies